Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How To Use Foxyproxy?


TG5 service tonight at the usual grass (at least I found that it is in Lombardy, because up to some 'time ago for a strange game of similarities I thought was from the parts of Prato in Tuscany O_o)

My mother indignantly: "But how does the lawyer to defend those two? "
myself: "It 's his job"
me: "Yes, but I'd like that lawyer there, Sebastiano Somma, defending what they want him"
Me: "It' a fictional one. In life Nor would a customer and then if you defend the lawyer or do all the grocery store and you decide who to serve "

After a while I

:" I respect life, but those two would kill them. And then with that courage first confess and then retract? The lawyer has said. "
Me:" Bla bla bla "(blablaologo mode on)

short. Outrage grows, more than for the two murders (people, not crimes) for lawyers who defend them.

And so you discover that there are jobs where you or the hair on the stomach or is it better do more.

My question though is another.

But because my mother is angered by the lawyer who does not else do his job as guaranteed to every defendant by the Constitution and not angered by the journalists that the media build up cases, always increasing the chances of these criminals get away with more than Lawyers can not make them?

Why outraged that one does his job and there for those who outraged his job does not?

I think it's because of the "system". The "criminal defense" is made to ensure that those who really need the fundamental rights, it can also take advantage of against the culprits, but it is hoped that those who accuse works well enough to get a conviction despite the fundamental rights are respected .

Other "systems" but are rotten and rotten ones so even though we live in, are still participating in the system and then no one is scandalized.

Are you a politician? A journalist? Authority of a warranty? What is the problem if you are corrupt, if they do not warrant or other surface if not the powerful? The system of each of these three categories is not. Consistency is safe.

But if you're a lawyer who defends a criminal, heinous, no. You should remove that system, make yourself become inconsistent and the criminal prosecutor. Then if one day the same happens with an innocent, who cares, right?


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blocked Nose How To Get Rid Of It


wrong or TG tonight was the same as yesterday?
I will not finished in the plot of "Groundhog Day"?

Tonight I hit a service on Mastella's wife. I do not remember what it's called her, but with microphone in hand and unified networks said: "I do not want to have a favorable treatment [...]"

Ok, so by tomorrow, call the establishment of a TG whenever you have a complaint or a criminal investigation under way, because the treatment "base" consists of (at least) a press conference in which to profess your innocence and scandal at the pluto-Magistrat.

All of course with no additional comment on the type of journalist "after they reported to the clinic"


Today going to go into the kitchen I saw 15 seconds of "Live life." Mea culpa. No comment. O_o


Monday, January 28, 2008

Thin Client Best Brand

The bag we

I wanted to briefly comment on a page of the TG that is always and again I have not understood the ultilità . I'm not talking about Taste, that there is just even if its reasoning is similar.

I speak of the page of the bag.


Reporter Journalist
Man: "And now the page of the bag, the line to our staff (?) Economic"

Other man: "Today the financial markets are turbulent. The news that pellagra is still widespread in some areas of Burkhina Faso has challenged the actions of car-related securities because those areas get the dashboard polyester lining. The bank holding well. The oil costs $ 89 per barrel and the euro / 1.543456765 U.S. dollars, indicates an increase of 0.00001%. Wall Street is expected to open in the upside. "

Ok. If you are investing in a bag I doubt baserai your financial future on these 5 lines. If you do not invest in stock within 30 seconds when the other man talked about you wondered where mentally you put the car keys, remember that you take milk and you think it's time to bring down the garbage.

facts remain unresolved.

1) I would love to see once in a lifetime person of a barrel of oil.
2) What do I care if the euro / dollar is 1.543456765 if then when I change from euro to U.S. dollar exchange I apply a 20% worse? Tell me what I can I have, not what likely to have Onassis Jr.

thing becomes harmful as well as useless as the other man in question has no one ever says something providential.

type, two and a half years ago (or maybe more) if he had said "Interest rates are low, then the adjustable rate mortgages are more advantageous than those fixed rate, but do the same for fixed-rate if we talk about a thirty-year mortgage only a fool would do variable rate "today we all some great loans at 5% / 6% instead of 8%.

The same goes for "Taste" because if I want to learn some recipes I look Rai Gambero Rosso "A Taste

try to explain a recipe in thirty seconds. When okay to submit at least there's some strange subject that also has the pleasant air, like the butcher and the Florentine and Roman.

"Oh the living flesh. Take the meat, zac, throws, cook, add, jump, the dish is ready" (at this point I always expect that at any moment with his ideas Cecchetto do below play ' ; ... "... cut tatatatatatata tatatatatatata ... ... ... fry Serve

...") I have the impression that there is screaming in the news less and less room for real news, maybe with two bathrooms, one for giving the news, for a comment on it, and increasingly in the bullshit. TG2 at least put them all in the shit "and society" and before can devote more effort to the cosmic void.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rent A Dunk Tank Singapore


On Sunday I do not watch the TG O_o


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dragon Ball Z Bulma Bunny


tonight are highly uncertain. The TG5 was full of ideas and almost every service out of my mind my previous one.

However, some suggestions made here and there.

Meredith Murder:
Now we are investigating because they have found strong links between Japanese comics (called manga, or manga and that's better) and murder. It is suspected that Akiro of Trigun and Fugue, which is still looking I found. Perhaps the interpol will do it.

We're talking about a case where three people were placed at a crime scene and after four months still have not understood anything. Now we will advance the theory that the murderer has been misled by the manga and the "Japanese cartoons". E 'rather strange that during the service have not interviewed any of MOIG, perhaps because Meredith is not Italian and in his country such a thing as MOIG not even conceive. They already have the 'habeas corpus them.

But then the story had disappeared from the screen for a while 'for days and it was time to revive the glory days.

Case Grass:
Here we see a phenomenon of futility reporters. Let me explain. The case of grass there is nothing to say. There is an eyewitness, indeed, a survivor. He a scar on his neck from fear and talks like Darth Vader. Leave him alone. The good pizzini Olindo are the cultural framework of journalism that must necessarily offend. More. Olindo says it could "use" the press in his favor and then print directly involved in the other so there is no danger.

I kept the policy for last because it's been so long since I wanted to talk about it.

from more than two years ago, when the wonderful electoral reform desired by the center-right and that his supervisor (Calderoli) defined then the "filthy"

Now I wonder how one can, in a civilized country (sic) such as Italy, after two years when it became clear that the government expressed by this electoral law has limped for most of two senators (in addition to internal problems), think about returning to the polls with the same law.

I also wonder how can a parliament to express an electoral law. Each type of election law suits to a party and uncomfortable to others.

Then I say, how dare some politicians, the architects of this election law by idiots, are now saying: "Let's go to the polls because the polls give us favorites. And then? The electoral law are you doing? Beautiful as you did two years ago?

But as the politicians do not comment, but journalists, I wonder how can a journalist not to exercise critical a case such as the electoral law and the future of Parliament.

Once journalism put in check the political, kept him at bay and took him in when he said Chestnut's bullshit. Now the crap
the certification directly, without adding anything, not a commentary, a little thought in the morning. Let

. Parliament if you put all agree to make an electoral law as it should, majoritarian, proportional, barrage, German, whatever you want is a Parliament of balls. And as such should be reported in a nice list to make sure those balls in the next Parliament there are no longer in its entirety.
