Friday, October 31, 2008

Groping Clips On The Train

tauri_legacy @ 2008-10-31T19: 52:00


Friends: (
yesterday it was not enough the hypo I've had in the early afternoon, it
disappointment that the new video card is bad and god only knows if one day I will have a of grace.
The bad luck was not happy, and so last night after a hard day I said, almost-almost
I extract the characters of the royal hours I have time! ^___^
The simpe I pointed to the district as unknown and the sim surgery was completely empty.
In the neighborhood of the royal game is gone, you, too.
I've tried everything.
Nothing remains for me: ° ° we have been terrible!
So, I wrote "royal pause" because somewhere I have some old backup, but can not find the lead from the external drive and so have to wait to see if it works.
About a month and I have the laptop at the cost of prostitution (ok not overdo them and install everything ^__^), I'll try to put up the old royal to see if it works (I think should, do not you? in the end they save enough for normal install exactly the same expansions, or not?). So the royal
is postponed until a later date destinarsi.Al up when and if one day I will return a riassuntino "of previous games." I hope then we will!
The rest are almost certain to start a new legacy, because now I have not even the kingdom I just can not stand doing nothing:)
In addition I just found out that I expect a week of hell, where from 9 to 18 I will be in the academy 6 / 7, but it is a satisfaction to have a day full of something that I so desired.
Sorry for the length of the post, you have got to the end I thank you, I know you will be sorry for what I
royal! But there is hope .... those backups in the new computer:)
I embrace you!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

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I have practically disappeared legacy of the neighborhood, so that I had just begun and I'm sorry if I lose everything, but it is not that someone can explain it to me logically??
not a question of why all downloads I work well ... the rest .... boh official sorry now that I think, had proved a legacy and I was very busy until the second generation!
soon as I can I draw the characters of the royal way at least, that they are important, are not at risk!
I take this opportunity to tell you that I was admitted at the academy of fine arts, beginning in early November!
are often tired, he was not accustomed to getting up early and I have to recharge! So I'm playing a lot and sometimes I read about running your legacy without commenting, but I always read more!
Among other things, today I finally got the video card (I gave it to my boyfriend nearly a year ago: P)
and tomorrow I should mount with the hope to avoid surprises and to obtain the desired results!
If anyone can help me to recover my neighborhood disappeared I am grateful even if the methods that are around I have tried just about anyone!
I guess I'll start a new legacy when I buy in laptop (although I've got the desire then sti good intentions tend to forget them) so I do not take risks and relieves the game not installing the royal and keeping it on the PC today.
I greet you with the hope of the royal update soon:)
a baciuzzo!: D ***


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Plastic Toboggan Polish

Royal Kingdom 2.1

I stewed to make the cover, sorry for the good crap: D This is below the one Veronica uu

House Haver had never been so busy! From

desolate silence that there was a time for laughter to the thousands of small noises of a classic of the happiest families in the village. A

Movint the days of Rose came a another small bundle that called Leandro.

Leandro and Noman were virtually identical.

While the second home Haver, Chretien, with growth continuing to resemble more and more like his mother Rose (

alas )

from his older brother Christian is also taking care of the newcomer.

But at the same time was a happy young man and highly respected in the village, where he could boast of having many friends.

One night someone stealthily climbed the staircase leading to the chamber of Aurora.

An ill-intentioned? A thief? A rapist?

Or simply a boy in love and heart that made him sleepless ....

Aurora, who was still awake, feeling suddenly leaped call:


C’era solo una persona che la chiamava in quel modo pur essendo lei vestita di semplici stracci.Una persona che stava cercando di allontanarla dalla sua testa,ma che imperturbabilmente restava attaccata al suo cuore:Andrea.


-Co-cosa ci fai qui?Io non…

-Shhh.La zittì Andrea…

Poi proseguì lui:


urora…Sento la tua mancanza,la sento dentro e mi sento vuoto.Non andar via da me,non scappare cosi.Fammi il piacere di farti amare…

  Parole semplici like them, but full of significato.Aurora inside if he still had those doubts about their marriage, but just then broke to take those words ...

and allows Andrea to be near her and keep hands, as had not allowed him to do, after that kiss beautiful and god only knows what you want at the party who had exchanged the village.

After a long time Aurora went back to sleep peacefully, with a light heart.

I doubt, however, the awaited the next day and decided to talk to his mother for comfort.

But above all try to move with her to her father, who had provided different floors for Aurora and was skeptical about the relationship that bound her to Andrea Mercalli.Le friendships between men and women, moreover, not were frowned in the country.

Meanwhile Leandro growing, and being only a child who happened to spend much time with women at home, while men took care of their daily work.

How often did the family had been staying at home Mercalli Haver.Un bit 'of power was in the Aurora and could not just be quiet as they were all.

But that day was an important day. Indeed

Andrea had finally had the courage to ask the hand of Aurora.

After a long reflection Noman (even if it gave him to see a man that was romantic!) And Andrew decided that Aurora would be a wonderful couple!


was visibly surprised but happy as a clam!

Arthur and Noman were equally pleased that their friendship would soon become a family.

The engagement was now official!

But you never conceded more than a hug.

soon to be married, Andrea now had permission to visit his parents without Aurora and Rose always cook the delicious dishes for his loving son!

Maybe thrust the fascinating prospect of starting a family, Aurora began to be a second mother to her little brother very caring.

While Aurora had been lucky in love, you could not really say that for the small Leandro was equally easy to socialize with Agata Mercalli.

One day a girl came home Haver: he needed to buy some hay.

hay just sold it the Mercalli, explained to the Countess Anna Christian Bauer, and offered to accompany him so close to the same shop on the way Christian could not Arthur.Durante help but notice that Anna was very beautiful.

family livejournesi more loved by you: D and also from me )
Agata was very happy impending marriage of his brother.

However, it was a very reserved girl from a young age and remained isolated for several hours ...

Crescendo did not lose this feature ...

became very beautiful and began ; to have to deal with the jealousy of his older brother very protettivo.Ma Agata had a very strong character and did not like that you impose things.

She was a young dreamer, brave and intraprendente.Era convinced that his life would be a breathtaking adventure! No idea if it ever held, even if he was a handsome young man he did comment out loud (and this was not frowned upon by the demure village gossips). However

knew to be reasonable and honest, even if what was going on in his head no one ever really can not say.

The biggest concern was that his parents with his temper one day he might meet people not so reliable.


The thrilling excitement of finally being free and feeling vanished all'univesità ; quickly to

Princess Karola of Verona. His days passed, as the castle, one the same.

consoled her with the long speeches that made Alexander Novalis, a young noble but had never lived as tale.Nel his way of talking and reasoning Alexander reminded a bit 'his adored nanny Ernesta.

Apart from those moments Karola was always under observation, his guards do not indulged ever, and it really starts to bother her.

His close friend Simon Baron Bauer had a great relationship with the guards of the princess, and convinced them to make an evening visit to the Princess the famous village, the small Popular circles Veronica, of course, in disguise.

Perhaps on this occasion Simon Baron would be able to show how little is lost to Karol's life being a princess, and that perhaps the Novalis words of the man, that he did not like at all, were empty and no senso.Loro were noble and was honored as a responsibility, and Simon biting the hand that you eat was never a good thing.

the village tried to explain why the princess was fascinated by the very simple life of peasants.

Simon feared the fantasies of Karola and feared even more the approach that there had been between her and Alexander Novalis.Ma after all he loved and was happy to do so that was always happy, even if for every smile you gave to Karola there was a small part of himself for not dying to have them.

Everything went well that day! Karola finally spoke with his subjects and was a pleasure to recognize them in the little things that had to be told Ernesta is Alexander.

even ate at an inn.

All were themselves, in their spontaneous and sincere smiles brutality that happened often to see the places you usually frequent.

Can I hug you too but no one is surprised!

said the count Karola Bauer as he tried to bring in his arms.

Karola drew back, and at that moment, the playful and joyful atmosphere was replaced by tension and imbarazzo.Decise that it was time to return to college.

He was in the days following that gesture to think that Simon had made, to whom he had always trusted a lot, and finally realized that Simon was like everyone else: she was getting close to having something in cambio.Che it was not love or fame importò.Oramai their apparent friendship appeared to fragile or even "dirty."

Moreover she was trying just a little bit 'of authenticity did not ask much from life.

It took little to calm her down, a walk in the gardens of the university for example.

Li met Alexander, he noticed that it was a very bad mood.

He sat down and began to talk as little by little sempre.E Alexander also began to open up to the princess.

He got up and began to tell the reason for his grudge.

More than a year before his parents were brutally killed.

His mother and father had been attacked at home and he had arrived too late to prevent it.

- Princess

Let me ask you, if you knew the people who made me an orphan, if you were in my shoes you would not be pervaded by an uncontrollable desire for revenge?

I'm looking for those damn who did this, and as soon as I find them, the pay day for me is amaramente.Ogni a sentence to wake up and live with the memory of what happened to my genitori.Uccisi From some damn noble! I always feel so alone and so helpless that day ...

The Princess began to understand why Alexander had always shown distaste towards the noble class, and seemed visibly disappointed about that young man.

- My dear Alexander, wherever your parents are sure that at this time will be proud of voi.Siete an honest man and I will esteem molto.Dovrebbero all be like you, believe me.

Without realizing Karola and Alexander found themselves very close, more than good manners and common sense suggests. So inevitably had exchanged a sweet kiss.

For the first time in their life they were following their own desires, and the only time that mattered at that moment was in this presente.E were no longer alone.

Well yes! Novalis Alexander is the son of Mariam and Arek! May they rest in peace, or at least Mariam! Some of you (Amber and Angy) had felt good ... XD! And then the thing can be said of Arek Dessen "dead "....
All the pieces are in place ... maybe.
I take this opportunity to give the good news on Tuesday that "should" finally get the new video card *___*
not have time to play with the royal, maybe update it with the family Ruin, but I do not know if I have time, Monday's early entrance exams alla'Accademia of Fine Arts, hopefully good!
soon and good Sunday :*********
I love you all!