Sunset Valley And let's see what they have done for our families! Alison and Kevin really leave or will it clear?! And Elena Fabio and tie the wedding or are just for convivenzaa? Everything under the cut ......
begin with the O'Connor family !
After that night, Alison was closed again in hedgehog, did not want to speak to the husband of her decision. By now it was taken and she was determined to maintain it. Kevin has stayed for over three nights on the couch, on "that" small sofa in the living room and back pain is killing him, but not as the words he spoke she, his wife, the woman who has ever loved .
Only one evening asked him the word, but only to tell him that they had guests for dinner was a girl he had met with her boyfriend. Imagine the surprise to find
the front door of the house his colleague Fabio and the famous Helen.
After dinner the men sat challenging chess and "mumbling" Kevin told him about the latest news from his wife, \u0026lt;
Women instead relied on the couch (it is the one that has stayed Kevin: P), and beyond the passion for cooking have found another: the desire to be a mother.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;he is really opposed? >> Listen upset Elena,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;yes, but this time I faced a choice .... >>
When the guests have gone Alison is in the kitchen to fix everything,
Kevin took my courage in both hands, leaned on the bed, convinced that whatever she says will drive away as forever .... But it can not end like this! What is producing his selfishness, his fear of ... what? To become a dad! If one thinks about a clear mind, however, knows for sure that everything would be fine, because she was at her side, but how to make them understand, explain who is afraid of not being up to? He lost his father when he was a child, does not know what it means to raise a child .... Do not want to seem weak in front of her eyes, she sees him as her hero.
Alison submerged in the tub full of bubbles think about the recent events, the big fight right with him: her husband, the man who has conquered with his way of foolhardy to do so but at the same time goofy. Maybe he overdid it, was too selfish to give quell'ultimatum ... they have chosen to marry mainly to be together, and if he does not feel like having children does not matter, must be a better choice and not dictated by his blackmail.
the end is right, the work is going really well, and she fights with them was also encouraged to seek employment, part-time but it is something he likes and that stimulates instead of sitting all day at home alone to rearrange. ... The house was right on this, the roof is and if they miss the beginning maybe the money does not matter, the important thing is that they are happy together and with their children!
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;admiral calls for a short respite, we can talk? >> Just sees it asks to enter. You move on without saying a word to the chest of clothes, opens it and is wearing a new gown, "what a beautiful " Kevin thinks.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I too would like to talk to>> finally said,
Kevin begins to speak, telling her everything: his concerns and fears and that despite this he has desire to have children by her. Alison can not believe what I heard: her husband is that he did not want to have children but had simply afraid.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Come here my love! I have to retrieve three nights>> says gallantly kissing her hand,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Kevin oh why did not you had ever told? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I would figure a coward in front of your eyes>> " How sweet it is so vulnerable when " and Alison's absolutely right and now feel really relieved, especially when Kevin says,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;then you are ready to become a mother? >>
The next morning Helen makes a visit to his new friend before going to work. He had seen too depressed and sad and would not want that something to happen.
When you open the door instead of coming out a revved up Alison, her delight and tells her the "happy ending" and they're already trying to have children!
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;but wow, this is really cool! I'm so glad for you, sorry but I run at work, I wanted to see if I was OK>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You were very kind, see you soon! >>
After mending the house and made an appointment with a firm of builders to make the bedroom so he can also bring out the bedroom, go for a walk in the park enjoying the beautiful morning. Since I was not feeling well? And seeing fish jumping in the pond happily takes care of a little fish 'so you fill up the fridge, P
Then go to work and spends his hours behind his cash register, and moments in "empty" or calm reads everything that concerns children and small, simple rules, to pass safely the first months of growth.
And at night for severe anxiety and the fear of never become mother, began to cook his favorite dish: "parfat fruit."
But do not just put a morsel in his mouth, he is automatically nausea that makes people run to the bathroom,
And one night of this, here comes a slight tummy lovingly caressing,
Kevin he heard his wife run into the bathroom for the umpteenth time, he runs to see how he is, but Alison stops him telling him he was fine and that indeed has some news for him:
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;you want something in particular? Have you finished the ingredients? Rush to buy, tell me what you need>> knowing that his wife had come to this strange habit of cooking at night,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;no love I do not need anything! Listen to me ... .. You and I are expecting a child>> says it all in one breath, especially the last sentence, indeed news!
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;O__O really? I'll be dad? >>
Ed è strana, ma allo stesso tempo bellissima la sensazione che prova nell’accarezzargli quel pancino in cui sta già crescendo una vita.
<< sono felicissimo! >>
Intanto Alison riceve proprio una bella opportunità dalla scuola locale. Hanno sempre apprezzato questa giovane donna che ad ogni festa portava i biscotti ai bambini, e visto che stavano organizzando una vendita di dolci le hanno chiesto di partecipare ed Alison strafelice ha accettato con piacere. I suoi biscotti poi, come sempre, hanno avuto successo!
Vedete quelle note musicali che escono dalla tasca della Alison dressing gown? Well, it's Kevin who calls her every ten minutes to know how he is ...
This time is Elena, who invited her to their wedding!
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Now that's good news! Congratulations .... Then you'll see my novel! >> So we go from
Morosi ....
It is a beautiful morning to celebrate a wedding on the beach ...
The first guests have already arrived: we see Hank is the head of Fabio Kevin, Artie's boss Helen, Alison and Kevin's wife, as noted with a baby bump is clearly visible now,
And more aloof Molly, a colleague of Helen, which was guarded throughout the festival from Mr High, of course, was not invited
And the newlyweds arrived, open dancing and a buffet,
Swingers: PP
Hank takes his guitar and a song dedicated to the couple,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;growing fast huh? Feel like kicking here ...>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;true, I know that he can not wait to be born>>
And at sunset begins the ceremony. Fabio takes the hand of his bride and the sea says,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I can not marry without a declaration and a ring official>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Fabio ohhh!! But it is beautiful! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I love you Elena>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;also I love you Fabio! >>
Then begins the real ceremony, exchange faiths
few days after Elena called Alison to ask about the pregnancy proceeds,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;not be long now, it could happen at any moment>> replied 's friend,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm so happy for you! Would you like to have dinner with us? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Of course! >> 20
and promptly respond to the doorbell rings,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Fabio going to open, have arrived! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But who is that knocking at my castle? >> Tease Fabio opening the door,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;still the same witty, eh? >> Kevin responds,
During dinner, they all thought their marriage, as there were beautiful on the beach at sunset!
And then they got around that Kevin will soon be dad and not only will have to get busy at work, but also keep up with the screaming, smelly diapers and so on.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;you do not laugh, that soon touches you too! >> Addressed to Fabio says,
To bed indeed
Elena confides her desire to be a mother, and not at all worried Fabio confides that he too would love to! See Alison's belly, caused him to imagine her, his wife, and then a Pupetto home ....
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;are you sure? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;pretty sure! >>
The next morning, like every morning reading the newspaper and look a bit '... .. Alison and Kevin became parents of Sean !
The game besides the name, as has traits (see that I was not at home when he was born) and athletic sloppy!
The same morning Helen rushes home to his friends to congratulate him for this long-awaited birth, and finally here!
And here the little Sean, of course, found on the ground because when I was out of the game I still had not built the room, and had left Alison pregnant: P
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;but hello baby! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Congratulations, it's beautiful! Sorry but now I have to go to work>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;thank you very much to be over! >> Fabio
also received an opportunity a little 'more complicated baking cookies for sale, but he has accomplished!
Even Helen, who thanks to his backyard and the passion and care that puts us in cultivating vegetables, has been rewarded!
And here a few days after that check the tummy!
lunch says Fabio, it still can not believe it! It was all so fast ....
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; oh love, but that good news! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;ok that you're pregnant, but eat slowly .... Do not cram it! >>
And the more the days and weeks pass, Fabio is a bit more 'appalled by the conduct of his wife .... He decides to talk to Kevin during their round of surveillance to the beach, because now he is the expert.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I see strange ... you know ... the effect is more active than before:
wakes up at night to prepare new dishes, and then eat them,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;ok, this also Alison, I think for two hearty eaters like them it's normal ^ ^ '>> responds Kevin,
And I do the company not to make you feel alone.
The normal things which are going to the library to read books on children,
a semi circle around the house as always,
Long walks,
and stop to fish,
E sometimes going to get massages but feels no pain, but rather says that the pregnancy is really nice,
And then he started to give checkmate in the last few weeks that are missing .... He started to hammer the kitchen saying that it must be fully functional and clean for the arrival of the child,
and went to the cemetery near the grave on which I have found the first time ... luckily I always keep that d ' eye during my rounds, you know I do not like going alone to the cemetery>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;went to the cemetery?? But to do that? >> Question puzzled Kevin,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I do not know ... did you Alison? >>.
Kevin explains that in any case is different, they are larger and more mature and Alison wanted her son with all my heart for too long then it all came very naturally, as if he were born to be a mother. In fact, the pregnancy beyond the nausea has not caused any problems, so it's always been very calm and quiet. Fabio and Elena are rather young, inexperienced, and especially married only a month. Have hastened the time and now Elena feels anxious, because it lacks a little and does not know what to do once the baby is born.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;you should just be near her and reassure her that everything will be fine and that she will be perfect! But you stop writing?? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;sorry, I was taking notes ^ ^''>> Fabio
the evening, returned from his round, he sat on the couch with his wife as they watched a film on television, he hugged her and whispered that he was eager to embrace their son,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'll trust that I have some 'fear! >> Elena tells him one evening, "said Kevin perfect just like "
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;but love is very normal! You'll see that we will be very good and you'll be especially perfect! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;but with our work as we do? I especially given that there are almost never at home ... who will take care of him? >> " here is what were the thoughts of Helen, and how he spoke to say that he has no intention to take a break from work .
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;and baby-sitters who invented them to do? >> always tries to reassure Fabio,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;but they will be good? I do not trust that much>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;it will mean to give up that job to be with him, until it became a beautiful baby! >> Is a difficult choice, but Elena has always had too much to his job and moved here to reach his dreams,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;would you really? Thank you my love! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;for our family I would do anything>>
And one morning while Elena care of his garden,
arrive with severe pain that made her short of breath, now that Fabio had just left to go to work .... He understands that the pains have just started and one to the other can call a taxi to take her to hospital,
The hospital feels the center to track the patient's husband and Fabio rushed to hospital ,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;oh my god, there we are! >>
And a boy is born: Alessio !
The game has suddenly given as athletic and I've put the friendly!
And here in the arms of his mother returning home.
This is the room that they decorated!
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;See love is beautiful! >> Rests in its cradle with the small Fabio fascinated to see the sweet little picture
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;this is the happiest day of my life>> Fabio says hugging,
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; of our lives! >> Corrects him: P And
here it is Alex!