Sunday, September 26, 2010

Player Replica Lombardi Trophy

Stone's 10 random facts about ..... SUMMER!

Here is the second meme ... I just lost the hand with the journal U__U

's last name is Summer Morgan.Come curiosity'm sorry but I had not said yet: P. The name refers to Summer of OC: D doe-eyes that reminded me a lot!
E 'born long before all the characters of legacy, when I populated the neighborhood with most sims to have an alternative genetics to townies.
Although sim that I created, I decided accomppiamenti's always based on alchemy.

2. As you know has an older sister, Monique.I His parents are both dead but you can not just say that when they were alive their similarity to the family of the mill white
. His father was an alcoholic and gambled. In the rare moments when he was sober, however, has never bothered to investigate the relationship with her daughters
so when he fell from a bridge while pissing anyone was surprised, I Nor has he pianto.Solo Summer's mother has been torn from it. She was fragile and under the thumb of her husband, and Despite the myriad flaws, was never able to hate him. The
reached shortly after his death, thanks to an overdose of drugs.

3. Summer is a true secchiona.Anche if you would not think he wants to die to study and read all the books I could find in the library pubblica.Neanche to say she graduated with honors from the University of state and because of its merits has always been able to take advantage of scholarships offered by
Campus. His sister is the opposite, a very good mix with the blood of the stripper genitori.Non ago because he needed money, not break down those obvious, but his is a true passione.Uomini, alcohol, drugs, music and smoking are the elements that make you feel good and has no
elements as to stop or seek employment elsewhere.

4. Summer has attended more than boys, but never in love with nessuno.Ha had only one serious story before Ivan, a neighbor and friend infazia. You can define his first love as it is was also the boy his first time (Ivan was second: P). Growing up, they realized that the love they felt for each other was nothing more than friendship, and then they left peacefully when the schools higher.
If no one had realized at the high school Summer ... Ivan was already cooked, and how every girl had made a lot of movies in the evening that Camilla had left them alone in the disco.
pity that Ivan was born peasant.

5. Although does not have many funds for shopping, she loves her favorite destinations are the comprare.Le Mercantini, especially those with multiple vendors in nazionalità.Adora disproportionately accessories such as scarves, hats and collane.Non potendosene allow too many from an early age he learned to create unique and exclusive jewelry with recycled material.

6. has a rather large bra size (which of course Ivan noticed immediately) because of which recalls the school as a period difficile.I really took the boys always around and even tried to stretch the manine.Tutte the attention she received from her classmates had also secured the dislikes of all the girls that apparently did not like not to be calculated. With maturity, after accepting its forms, has come to the conclusion that it was just envy and that she was not the wrong one! After all too many people spend a lot of money to look like, at least from that point of view ( Tie: P)

7. Camilla has always been his only heir of our amica.Quando cousin moved to Bluwater have been made being found together in friendship bench, the thing they have in common was that both were not very accepted by other gruppetti.Una (Camilla) because it is too extravagant (and perhaps also because a little girl with pink hair was not her friend that every parent would want for his daughter), the other, named for the beautiful Summer who had his famiglia.Hanno sent to hell with the small groups and have become an inseparable duo! As well you want, Summer has never allowed Camilla to visit her at home.

8. not dreaming of the white dress, but it's a girl romantica.Purtroppo that his character has been dormant in the depths of his very being, which has was forced to adapt to the reality of things, we can say that has never been small, even as a child for her the time of the games lasted very poco.Non trust of others, distrustful, and above all not he never trusted our erede.Ci takes to do things one step at a time, even in situations of unexpected coppia.Gli the demoralized and so hopefully be able to get married but that makes it simple serene.

9. Adora Mauro (such as not understanding it?)! Every time he went to the home of Camilla found herself almost always spend so much time with his grandfather, listening to talk about his youth and of the many things which saw the hypnotized and at the same time put it to good umore.Gli is very affectionate and for years was the only serious male figure I have ever known (poor you)!

10. died of fear when he sees needles or stings From little girl remembers all too well the visits to the doctor and for a period is due to undergo a course of injections, adult viable for everyone, but for a child to really traumatiche.Fobia bees , scorpions and even the nettles and thorns of the plants were the consequence of that time!

Now would not you expect that you tag other sim eh? : P But it annoys me not to tag anyone, so I decided to tag the ... player! (continued launch of tomatoes)



So if you're in the game, you can write even curiosity about you 5 but if you can make it 10 I am all eyes to read XD
If you do not like the beeps flaunt your journal on the gossip ... well here we should at least try!

ps.Dopo the summer I started to play the legacy, this meme was created first of those games!

soon cupids * ç *

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Walking Stick With Seat In Singapore

aleenchain @ 2010-09-04T17: 12:00

Latest Events

are in a coma.
are two days that I work morning and afternoon in the warehouse, and although I must say that removing the leaves the branches of eucalyptus is quite hypnotic and promotes meditation (too bad that you destroy your hands), I hope that at least for a couple of days do not arrive more big orders. And then tomorrow me and mom we got a seat at the flea market, I imagine it will be a busy day and I must get back on here.

The holiday in Tuscany is a fairly flat. First, the famous beach was like a three-story apartment building full of sunshine without a breath of air, with a hoist to lift supermarket. There was trapped in the sea cliffs two model children's pool, and after a certain time practically wallowing in the mud. You do not deserve your photos.
Too bad that with only a fifteen minute walk away is a fantastic beach, big, long, open water, great views of the bay, has enough room for all .... but since the entrance was a stone stairway a bit 'steep (but very beautiful), the family that hosted us did not want to take the stairs every day, and then did not take place there, but the beach-building which was closer. Tastes.
One evening we went to a beach party. They were shooting the soap bubbles everywhere and this was very nice, while the music was pretty disgusting. Really did start a bit 'of decent music, African type, insmma qlc with a rhythm and a melody that could be called such, and I danced a bit '. But since all these jocks were disgusted face, the director has opted for the disco music mixed and mixed holiday village, where at the end you're all set to take the train. Horror and disgust.
The marketplace, however, was well stocked, I made a couple of major purchases XD.

The other day I had the "baptism" of the sub, present from my parents for my birthday. My ears have had problems with the usual pressure because I was cooler, but other than that I really liked XD. Luckily, it was a surprise and I found the last, because the idea of being underwater with a limited air supply made me quite scared. But in practice it is very little overwhelming. And then I see much better under than over, who knows, worth a permanent move down in XP.

I made a couple of evenings as a nanny for a family of tourists staying in residence "in that more can not be" of this charming seaside town. I had to keep the youngest child of four years, while the older sisters, ten, twelve and sixteen she ran alone. Considered that the baby was held virtually alone was so good, and that his friends were in the courtyard of the residence where they were also sisters, my presence was almost useless. But if they pay me ....
That baby took me a while 'to figure it out. He was so composed and calm that I did not know how to take it. For example, when he smiled it meant that he was laughing uproariously. Eating, brushing his teeth, got dressed by himself. He had a very viable to look for games and his companions make, so I tried not to impose too much of me. But you could see he was a child "healthy" and that was fine.
As in the same family there was also my cousin asking for less money to what I asked, and that cmq know because my sister was the baby sitter's family side, I hope that I put in a good position for future calls
- do not piss me off "because it's Saturday night and Saturday evening mica want me to work? "or Time
return of parents - doing all the voices of characters from stories I've read the baby and her younger sister (that's how I found out that he was only ten years . The way she was dressed I gave him more, but when I read while Hercules was placed on the Latvian and no more is taken down I started having the first doubts XP).
- if I saw him that he wanted, playing with the baby even when I could just have an eye from a distance, and conquering all the other kids with the cakes of grass and stones. Anyway

the rich are absurd. Scene: Dinner at the restaurant. Seven € (!!!) for a pizza margherita. Table with two moms, I and the baby, the mass of girls. All the eight years or so, all blondes, without exclusion of locks. The girls disappear to go somewhere to gossip, moms are talking, and I play to make the little figures with broken sticks. They begin to get the pizzas. Mom # 1. turning to a little girl flying
"Call the Spark, who finished her eat! "I
the breadsticks falls out of the hands and jaw.
Point number 1: He called his daughter SPARK. The infant has not finished elementary school and already moves like Shakira, and I'm also named protoWinx ...
Point number 2: This woman, dressed in a sarong that costs as much as the rent for a month of my boarding school, said "his food" ????!!! This tells my grandmother, who was born speaking the dialect, he made three times and then just the fifth grade, but who has the money to afford all possible culture and education has a duty to speak with a minimum of foresight . On this are totally agree with what the caretaker says in the book "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" which goes something like this: the rich have a duty of culture, elegance and art, precisely because they are rich and therefore been possible if / whether they can afford. For the poor will not go wrong if you break a verb or a word or can not write, because they were busy carrying on, but the rich have no excuses.
I felt really cut down. It's fine for you to escape some error in speech, speech itself is not full of grammatical constructions (in the sense of the school term) and it's good for that, and is not expected that cmq People talk like a printed book, but hell a minimum of attention. But is it really so bad.

not wait to enter the new boarding school in October, I hope to stay well.