Sunday, February 1, 2009

Best Way To Masterbate

Matilda Stone

high school? A great memory for me ... I am grateful for the beautiful emotions that I shared with my classmates, I spent years of unrepeatable.
Among the sometimes narrow walls of my school I left myself a naive, small but stubborn at the same time, capable of reaching the highest

sacrifices and satisfactions that I have always shared with my brother Devis ...

Today più.So to understand that he always studied and worked hard for his future and his dreams, and get sweaty with him has done nothing but strengthen
esteem against him.
These are the fruits that I took from my life so far and I decided to transfer in my university career.
maturity, security, and enthusiasm.

Oh ... and also a pretty good boyfriend.

Ciccio and I were good insieme.Il our relationship had grown very recently.

Unfortunately for him it was a period that is' difficult, apart from the state of his freshman year, he and his father had had a bad quarrel before departure for
campus.In reality for his son had designed plans diversi.Voleva fully enrolled and so today you do not appeal even the word.
I was near him as I could ... my way!

do not neglect Devis ...

Knowing his shyness always tried not to oust ...

Ciccio kept us too much that he felt comfortable without the candle of the situation.

But sometimes I get the feeling that Devis still prefer to be alone suo.Infondo is in its character, but sometimes it was really too serious.

This alone should have its air reap many victims, but in the early periods of our stay on campus who has not received
all this happened between the fairer sex (and I've done with the excuse the rhyme).

Unfortunately, the heaviness of the study was made to feel almost subito.Credevo once uni I would have enjoyed it.
But here we are a stupid American movie, and then I had to
practicing all the time.

But after all, just being able to manage well the tempo.Ah almost forgot, I chose the Faculty of Political Science.
The leisure hours, when there are almost always spent with the Ciccio.

-Tièèèè so you learn to say that women are inferior!

- Eih but I have never said such a thing! You gone mad!

-amorottolo Hehe sorry, I let myself get carried away a bit ^___^

The football is not a sport to practice with your partner: P
Luckily no shortage of new people and I socialize very quickly.
Whether it's someone with whom to study, or with which you watch TV, the company I do not miss ever.

example is Joel, a very kind esaurito.Anche him in the first year, but with ideas far from clear.
Lately I've really spent much time together.

certainly did not expect that it would irritate Ciccio, but instead it was so.
Irritated or not his tactics to make me understand that something was wrong was ignorarmi.E I hate to be ignored!

Eih-Mati but Ciccio? Have you left?
-No! What makes you think that excuse?
No-nothing so I saw that he sat at another table and did not even have a sign on your side ...

-ehehe that scemino! I have seen ^ __ ^

For the record I hate even more when I point out to be ignored. Before you get angry

do 'is always a second chance.Cosi lunch when once again Ciccio has pretended not to see me, I did say
be silly not to go guerra.Sono was sweet *.* and I told him to come to me to give a kiss.

Nothing>. \u0026lt;

And to think that I obtained from people who wanted to be anything but ignored. My mother esempio.Quasi a phone call a day, that sucks.

Bla.Si blah but, blah blah blah, Oscar, Grammy bla bla bla.

the same old monotonous telefonate.Lei and her show, she and her shows, she and her staff, sorry if I repeat myself but ... what balls!
When I breeze I like to go running and generally working out.

On my return from the race but I had to talk to Ciccio.
Luckily I found now in the lunchroom and could not escape me!

-Well you know that you can take! Do you remember that I'm your girl? 2 days that I do not talk to me.

And then he assumed that air innocent, sweet and worried that I have unfortunately seen many times on his face.
- I'm sorry, I've seen you laugh and joke with Joel and I thought I do not know ... maybe you want to be freer, lighter.
Among the trouble I have with my father, my mood lately has been bad, and I know you do not deserve to be with someone who always has his nose.

-Ed is the only reason that I have spoken to? -
But my poor love: (let's say I have forgiven him now.
-I with you bene.STO well.'m no longer want to come back. Joel is just a friend with whom, it is true, I diverto.Ma you're my boyfriend now: *
and even with his nose worth much more than all the boys on campus put together!

Pace made it!

course Joel and I continue to be friends. "Solo" friends is clear:)

By the way guess who has finally made friends? Devis, the lonely nerd.
He and his Rubik's Cube were having a thorough discussion of when ...
-Eih that buzz, almost like a coma na!

-How? Coma? Oh well ... uh .. it is much more than the è.Ma in for this' logic, sport is mental!

Although seemingly speak two different languages do not know how Lilyan succeeded in gaining the trust of my brother, so much so that even
granted her to study with him! Here we hatching cat ... Or at least we hope!

morning at the campus are all uguali.Ma one morning in particular was different.
was apparently started as altre.La trilling alarm ...

You go to breakfast ...


And then mid-morning, before class, Joy does her usual phone call to find out if all goes well, and the usual usual questions.
But that day there was no time to wonder if I had eaten, no, because there was a really important news to tell ...
-asked me! We're getting married! Mati Oh your father and I are getting married! He gave me the ring!

He knelt and said that even if this time I'd said no one would be hanged!! It is not romantic!
(Well it more or less ... but Mauro you expected the violins?)

And I of course I said yes! I do not know how I regret having refused the first time and how I was stupid not to admit it!

(/ me has finally moved Mauro grew up, let's take a peek at memory ...)

What wonderful news! They were both stupid and a hair you are getting back to stupid things unsaid.

A month later, just when my first year at college ended, we all rushed to celebrate their wedding so much deserve.

There were just a few close friends and I that we had brought and Devis Ciccio and Lily. The ceremony was really
magica.Da one hand I am happy that they waited so many years, I Devis and now we are big enough that we can remember every detail of their magnificent
Del smile clear Dad's finally putting his ring on his finger to his soul mate ...

O Joy as her voice trembled when pronouncing the marriage vow.

We were all really happy and pleased to have witnessed that pure triumph of true love.

one of the summers I spent most fun assoluto.Ma like all good things, was soon over.
September insensitive and with him came back at the University of Sim City.
For the second year we rented a small house near the campus.

We split the rent I, Devis, Ciccio e. ..

Lilyan.Mio brother for a nap is not fainted when I told you! But strangely you are not angry that I be hanged for his "business".

is pretty, but t'allargà nun.

If we thought in our own house there would have been more quiet, we were wrong big.
Here is a small episode that took hold of continuo.Colleghi, but still unknown, we honored the privilege of admiring their private parts, and this
It is almost always while we were all intent on studying, or at least trying.

Despite this coexistence was not difficile.Anzi was nice to see how we all went and how each of the agreements comply with their duties.
For the more daring, to cook, had been happily designated Ciccio.

It was a really good cuoco.L 'Irala never failed to tavola.Risate stupid jokes and just like when we were in high school.

If it was not that we slept together, I swear that between me and him there was nothing different from those years.

Maybe for all may seem a fine thing, but after one year since we had put together for me it was not.
Our friendship had grown so fast in love that I had not had time to think su.Quei doubt knocking on my door like the ticking of the clock
. I pretended not to hear them but they came to scream when the night before I sleep Ciccio I Whisperer her goodnight:
-I love you ...

I could no longer dormire.Cosi one night I got up, I felt like a swim caldo.Con the corner of my eye I saw Lily and Devis e. .. potti not help but to
hear what they said ...

so suddenly Devis said,
-I want you.

And apparently I was right from the start. Lily reciprocated.

What made me felice.Presto Lily moved to leave the single room Devis vacant.

That damned empty chamber was added to my doubts and became the only way to silence them.
Ciccio was in agreement and not so shocked when I asked him a "pause for reflection" and soon the former Lilyan room became my new room.
seems a bad twist of fate but finally I could rest as is.

By Ciccio were long silences and glances vigliacchi.Mi sorry can not even parlargli.E also felt the lack of its dishes ... all alone in the kitchen are
a landslide.

Nothing is more true of the phrase "a cooked meal on its own has a different flavor," my spaghetti because they did not know anything for spaghetti.

A month passed cosi.Tra fitness studio and I kept busy.

E Ciccio ... Well sometimes asked Lily me.Ma of whether he expected to snatch something like that was missing was a futile effort.

Things were cosi.Volevo sola.Non was not even feel that I did not want him ... I did not want nessuno.Insomma than 20 years seems a reasonable thing
dopotutto.Però could not be gelosa.Che I got out alone was one thing, but not knowing with whom and when he went out Ciccio me angry.
When you cut her hair was the peak. It was said for months that it would be better that way.

-What?? You cut them six to impress the girls? "Yes, because in order to impress I'm not worth it right!
admit here that the central rationale poco.Ma EIH well after all we had left from just 1 month!

"But it was not you say you wanted to be alone! What do you want from my life? You know I'm not the type to chase anyone!
-Nobody wants to be chased, so it's fortunate that you have resigned so easily!

"Well if there was a minimum we could hope that I'll get back together now there's more! You Matilda a fool!

My full name had the strength of a thousand knives in pancia.Non never called me Matilda.Rimanevo incazzata.Lui still had no right to call
stupida.Era true that I had requested the break but damn did not seem to displease him.
Unfortunately we were forced to live with and it happened that we had the same turn in the kitchen.
onion-Damn ....

became easier to ignore when they arrived the exams more challenging.
There were days when even living under the same roof could rarely see anche Devis!
Appena mio padre aveva un po' di tregua dal lavoro veniva a trovarci.

L'ultima volta che venne a farci visita non fu il solo ad avere avuto quella idea.Joel,il mio amico del dormitorio,era passato a salutarmi.

Quando gli dissi che io e Ciccio c'eravamo lasciati anche lui confermò la mia teoria secondo la quale anche il migliore degli amici appena può,ci prova.
Ma al diavolo,ormai ero single e non uscivo da molto a causa dello studio,non avevo nessuna ragione di negarmi un appuntamento.
Niente di elaborato comunque.Un caffè alla caffetteria del campus,una passeggiata nel quadrilatero,e poi a casa mine where a few compliments
began to roll a barrel.
It was assumed that after smoking too much attention would move on me. And in fact not lost
Joel tempo.Prima with some banal phrase rimorchio.Mi laugh but at the same time I thought it was cute and maybe all the smoke in the air
really began to cloud my inhibitions.

When you approached me did not resist, of course I did not know if I would see a second time, but damn who cares, I did not marry

And then the situation worsened so quickly that at first I did not even realize Joel's why I had left my hands so quickly.

Ciccio had entered the room, visibly very happy to see them with me Joel.Accidenti!

-And so it was just a friend?? Brava Matilda 1 to 0 for you! Congratulations! Clap but I really do not deserve any consideration on my part!
do not know if you make me more sick, or sentence him.

Maybe I should react, between me and Joel saying that there had been nothing until that evening, but because I had to give explanations one that I despise so much
? Who does he think he is? E 'was he the first to start a new life after we broke up and now I can not go out or flirt with a friend?
He started to leave and while he noticed the grass on the table. His expression changed
angry colpo.Solo hours of seeing his disappointed face felt like a blow to cuore.Quell '
expression I had seen her only when she spoke of her father and now I'd been in his own words then causargliela.Le I was given the coup de grace.

- What things have you done with Tilda that I knew?
-It is no longer your compagna di banco.E' cresciuta Ciccio...Dovresti farlo anche tu.

Mi aveva chiamata Tilda ma la cosa mi fece ancora più male.Se ne andò e rimasi nuovamente sola con Joel.
-Beh magari chiamami quando risolvi.Ciao bella!

E poi mi baciò e da quel bacio capii che non l'avrei più richiamato.

La rabbia che non mi era salita prima si stava lentamente impossessando del mio corpo.Cosi andai da Ciccio che si era messo a letto,e gridai fino a che
non potè più far finta not to hear.

not let me so to speak, however, began to vomit all over his face in anger.
-No, Hear thou woman of the world, I do not give a fuck if you grew up, I do not give a shit if you leave with more big babies all smoked, I do not give
nothing if you're so obtuse as not to understand that I had cut my hair to make you feel contenta.Lasciami Matilda same as you want from me, as if
do not exist from now on! do not have to make the accounts to me, you're right, you can also go on to beat As for me, you do not exist anymore.
You are not anybody, it's my girl, I nor my best friend!

He never spoke to me cosi.Questo troppo.Infondo for me was I just wanted to be free to see the world alone, to have fun.
20 years does not seem to be so irragionevole.Ma because now that I got what I want I can not even begin to feel happy?

: photos were taken from the old PC, but there are some where you can finally see a decent graphics *___*
Joel is a townies, all about the remplacement!
If the update was soporific I beg your pardon, but I have yet to figure out how to tell in person, Matilda with me is very difficult not to know why.
Maybe not within your taste but here's how I imagine the thoughts of Ciccio after recent events.


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