Ola dear friends * __ * I got it to post finalmente.Questo I assure you it is the last update for this heir! The generational change rather than live it better this time (Matilda and Mauro are unsurpassed pour moi) and then you will also understand reading that I do not mind getting rid of Ivan affatto.Ma finally some nice little word devo.E it to him 'was an heir and difficult to realize his LTW I killed her, but he was an heir other than that provided me with different bases on the next generazione.Infondo as the one that sucks ... it is a game with him and are loyal!
I take this opportunity to warn you that in that Facebook have reached even the Stone!
He could not help but know ... having my own time to create an update with the excuse of the fan page will be easier to tell at what point and I put all those things that have no place here!
Here it is, add it if you like ^ __ ^
And now I leave you to update! Complaints and criticisms in the comments XD!
My life was changed ... Starting from my docimilio. Summer and I can see a small, relatively cheap, where we can move as a family. Our one thought was for little Amanda.
My life was changed ... More than even address my day was different, and to Summer as well. Pour forth, we knew each other for years, but live was a different thing. It was still a good housewife and a loving mother, there was a day that did not do any cleaning or cooking. I was fine but I would have liked to go out together every now and do not always stay locked inside.
Summer was very protective of our daughter, was out of the question just the thought of calling a babysitter and leave the little hands in other than as nostre.Ma Quell'esserino blame ... so tiny and so delicate ... I was afraid sometimes even to touch her for not ruining his sleep.
In the neighborhood where we lived, there were many people with little money, there I used when I lived with my in a residential area, but now I had a few frills to testa.Avevo decided to leave the clinic to work in a social center and I got to know many people, who grew up far from Bambaci which was used to. My neighbors, however, people were quite right, guys my age who shared an apartment and we often came to visit ...
Young ... stacked (?) ... Free ... were all that I could no longer be a child involves huge responsibilities. ... And every time I needed to vent ....
... And even more, especially if that 'other' concerned me happy hanging around the house ... But I gritted my teeth and convinced me not to need it.
But in reality I was lying. As Amanda was part of me, as I loved her deeply ... I could not, in the long go to please me my vita.Ero was instinctive to ask Summer to marry me? "Just thinking that if it were not so now my little one there gave me the strength to convince me I made the right choice, even when the routine double bordered on monotony ...
my visit there were regular, I was glad to see Summer in agitated cook something good, or troubled to find the house in ordine.Ci held to look their best and did it well because my mother was a little skeptical ... on our way of life.
was not intrusive, it was just that he wondered why we could not stare da loro,nella villa di nonna,quando li c’era tutto quello spazio.La risposta era che come lei aveva fatto quando ero piccolo io,provare a cavarsela da sola,cosi eravamo intenzionati a fare noi…
…So benissimo che alla fine mia madre non ci riuscì e che dovette trasferirsi da nonna,ma allora era diverso,lei era diversa,non è mai stata come Summer,non è mai stata contenta di vedersi come casalinga,a Summer non disturbava affatto invece,ed era convinta di non farci mancare niente.
Ma non posso mentire,a me qualcosa mancava eccome.Quando Amanda not only accomplished three years I realized how slowly the fear of how many more years would have had to happen like another one ...
I realized that as she grew ... I do not invecchiavo.E I made a nice effect. On the other hand I rejoice that my little girl grow up happy in the love of parenti.Forse was smarter than me even then ...
doted on his grandfather Ciccio, but it was normal, my father had always been able to do with people, people loved him and esteemed him, was certainly a father better than I could ever hope to be just.
Amanda as a child was very curious as any child will tell you, but his curiosity was wit in others I had never visto.Capiva everything on the fly and it was rare to weep or did ... whims.
began talking very early, the usual syllables, but also learned the words more easily difficili.La his first word? "Bubble Bath"!
In the meantime I worked at the center psicologo.Da some time as a social service is also coordinated the tirocinanti.Ne had one that was particularly clever, Alicia Lewis. She was really active and it happened that after the work was at home with me to explore some tematiche.All 'BEGINNING was true, and it was a coincidence that every time that happened we were soli.Mi liked as a person, was fresh, innocent and bold.
One morning she came to get me to go to work, I lingered to look for a file and you came in, as he often did now also join me for breakfast (Summer and Amanda had worked kindergarten) with ' intent to help. There was complicity between us, no denying, there was alchemy.
It was as if we both Resim account at the same time to be alone, but in a different way than other volte.Eravamo and just wanted to be that morning.
I could justify, say that what happened was because she was younger than me and I was in a sense going back in time when even I, as she had the world in my hands and a lifetime to build.
Just know that I do not deny anything of what I do, because if I do something it is because the desidero.E unfortunately she had entered in my desires ...
I never betrayed Summer and it was really unpleasant. For the first time in my life I felt a sense of guilt, not only for my wife, but also for my grandfather figlia.Forse Mauro hindsight, and his time, he would have done well to assist during Gioia abortion, she was the love of his vita.Ma for me probably the one I had chosen was not the end ... it was better giusto.O For Summer, and Amanda who otherwise would never nata.Ma I do not ... I was cut out for that life was a sacrifice for me.Aggiungetevi then, that it should be, that my sex life with Summer was almost extinct, replaced by his anxiety for the home, the child, for the money.
In all this confusion passed another 2 years and Amanda grew up in a flash.
was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and certainly the most delicious that I just ricordi.Non was ordered with his stuff, but did not disdain to be helpful at all even with domestic services ...
addition to school and was fine with the tasks was always puntuale.Summer in all this is not never left her, had a tremendous relationship.
I for her, at that age, I was her hero, "the father of the world more beautiful." I loved her, god knows how much I loved her. To find a defect could say it was really really shy ... She did not like to show off and began to stutter every time they happen to the occasion. It was the girl who was always in the Christmas play the reindeer and he was happy to play that role as useless as silent.
But I was so.Magari think talking about the other, who still has not learned to know that Alicia was a mistake and realizing that this was the first and last time that I betrayed my moglie.Non I knew I was in the sottoscritto.Ormai freewheel . Alicia was a new opening words, I had removed the brakes, I felt dirty is true, but I could never go back to immaculate, knowing this, a bit dirty 'multiple occasions, I would not have changed it niente.Le appeared before me and now not even committed to ensuring ...
I had a guilty conscience km long, I began to believe at times that my family knew tutto.Il way Amanda looked at me ... I felt different, as if concealed in the eye of the disappointment that was recando.Ma knew that was impossible.
However at home it was always all the same, except that Summer was always more committed now that Amanda was in elementary school, with his work at ristorante.Comunque there was a turning point .... O rather a first retaliation, let's call them.
For some time, someone had fun on an anonymous call to my house and say that I was betraying a Summer, with lots of details about where and when.
There were no certainly evidence that would confirm these rumors, but the fateful dangers flea in the ear of my wife so much that it began a heated discussion.
The idea of being able to lose it seriously, it kept me good for a while '. Summer could really pull the best of me, I felt full of good intentions, promises that I made myself believe really maintained.
-No, Summer ... No woman would ever come into my heart like you ... I love you.
I can not say that it is not true to those parole.Il my heart was always Summer and Amanda, was only granted to my lovers. Summer believe me, it comforted me but at the same time made me feel like a worm.
(at this point I have to show the nerve of that man! Or rather its ass!)
The difficulty came when those frequenti.Si calls began to be more insidiously in my family, trying to cancel our peace as we were happy before Summer started to suspect me.
I knew it was a phone call from the expression of marble those who took the anonymous Summer while on duty, but always the same I think I explained to her how I had betrayed this time.
arrived at is no longer justified, as if to be found. He had a grudge against myself and to life and propelled into the Summer, or against his sopsetti
I would just reproach her for failing to ever miss anything, being a good husband and good father, and how I looked in the second house, it was true.
Even the best parents in the world where they exist, have moments of selfishness in which they forget that they must be good examples for those who have made the Summer mondo.Io and fought when we forget all that Summer, but sending it out with an excuse, we could hear, or to suffer for us.
the late one night ... I confessed.
Not everything is clear, but I wanted to test how he could take the Summer verità .Le confided that he had a fling with a waitress of mine.
For a while, 'would not hear of me ... He sent me on the couch and talked to me just before Amanda.Quello I understood, I had understood from his eyes ... I had hurt, really, although she did not want prove it.
But I knew perdonare.Una evening he invited me to join her in bed, I was embarrassed and did not know what to say, if it was appropriate to speak, but it was the first time in a month and perhaps more than I spoke to ...
Eventually I asked her simply scusa.Sapevo to forgive and forget is not to say the same thing but I promised, Believing that I regained its confidence.
From my that she knew I had only one person, and a person in many years of monogamy, knowing my character, could be considered a simple accident percorso.Insomma forgave me, because Summer is good perfetta.So is special and does not deserve even a hair of him ...
Amanda came on with a bit more irascible me.Aveva understand, though I doubt he understood the plea, that the his beloved mother had suffered because of me.
It was since then, I think, that she ceased to be a prince ...
In other stessa.Adorava behavior seemed to always write stories and even taught her to beat on the PC, so every now and then prints them and gave them so much fun consegnavo.Si in those cases, but something was broken and I had not realized ...
became more silent and began to spend much time alone ...
He also spent a period in which he would just come back from school to sleep and did not want to do homework that saperne.Mi convisi she was just growing up, after all I was a pest to his age and with advancing puberty we all had our difficult times ...
Only Summer could be maintained despite all joy in the house and bring a smile to her child, despite often worked until late at night was always a time for her.
of my daughter I now recognize poco.Aveva 10 years now, but more I looked over I saw a small woman perhaps grown too fast.
Now I was dealing with more of the trainees, but I started to work with the police in cases of delinquency for children più.Comunque revenue increased ...
Just ... in time for Natale.Nonno Ciccio disguised himself as Santa Claus and the little girl who really seemed to Amanda era.Euforica unwrapped all the presents under the tree ...
Almost did not fall to the ground my father when he saw the telescope, in order to embrace the gift to thank him that he had brought with her slitta.Iniziai to fear that it could freeze the eye lens attached all the time he spent out.
Even grandpa and Mauro Gioia spent the holidays with noi.Amanda and my grandfather did not go over well, or better, you were quite indifferenti.Mio grandfather could no longer suffer when she ventured calling it "a little man."
But the real surprise, which led us Santa Claus was the belly Summer.Incinta! But this time we had wanted, although in knowing that our product had reconciled twins scares us a lot. 'But maybe it was a sign of destiny.
started to go better with Amanda, who went out of his shell, enough to begin to bring some school friend at home.
If my story ended here, bello.Sarebbe would be nice ... if I had not blown it yet again.
With the new year I met an old acquaintance of mine, a friend of Summer we came to find, none other than the cheerleader of the campus, a dislike of the first order that I never could bear what I respinse.Con the years had softened and well ... I had tried with me in the whirlpool ... I curse this day for being so frivolo.Summer time I had seen, I could not deny it cling to excuses ...
I dressed, and begged him to forgive me, that was just her and I had not been in able to stop it ...!
She was adamant ... He told me that I would have thrown out home if it were not for Amanda and the twins and that from that day forward, I would have done well to consider separately.
It was against this background that came to life and Patrick White ...
(I only have a photo, but it does not matter, both are the same!)
At the same climate Amanda 13 years, unaware of everything, or so I was hoping while watching with my family, blow out the candles.
The party had won after all if it has always been a daughter too brava.Inoltre could be herself and to put aside their shyness at times only in passing famiglia.L 'love for his grandfather had not weakened at all with advancing years ...
That facet the result of me and Summer, I had entered the heart, but unfortunately I had not changed.
I sincerely hope that you never let my own mistakes ...
and that if he felt the lack of an adequate father figure always remember that in spite of everything I love her immensely, but the I actually ... ashamed to say, is that back then ... I loved myself more.
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